Our company trip this year!
Once again this year, we set out to do something fun/exciting with our entire team plus spouses. Like last year, we were lucky with the weather .... this year we were even treated to a heat wave 🥵 but of course that couldn't spoil the fun.
The programme planned several activities on the event grounds of Blackwheels and traffic school/slip school De Leeuw in Eindhoven. But first, of course, we had to take care of the inner man/women with a delicious lunch in the shade, so that we could at least start well-fed and hydrated.
First we were given a short theoretical traffic/driving refresh course and how to deal with a car that skids. Then it was time to put it all into practice. Some with shaky knees and others with a lot of confidence. The fear soon turned into fun, after a couple of attempts had already shown some nice steering skills. The overconfidence was either punished by the instructor or the end of the skid track 😉 .
We then got to find out if we could hit a target in the real world as well as in the virtual world. Apparently, bow and arrow shooting is a special skill after all.
After that, we were subjected to a kind of torture device, or accident simulator. The usefulness of wearing a seatbelt soon became clear but of course, as good/conscientious citizens, we already knew that 😇.
And finally, with the help of some glasses/goggles, different degrees of drunkenness were simulated. With these glasses on your head, you had to try to complete a course on foot as well as by car. Drunk & drive. Fortunately, again, there were no police around.
To end this 'hot' day, we were treated to a delicious 'hot' BBQ, which was quenched with lots of cold drinks.
It was another very successful company outing!